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Saturday, September 6, 2014
British boxing champ supports American journalists' beheadin
Journalists’ killings: Video fabricated to justify future war?
DOHA: A report by Al Jazeera News channel has called the executions of two US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff as “Hollywood” casting, saying they could be used as a pretext for a Western intervention in Syria.
The report — published under the “reports and interviews” section of the pan-Arab channel’s Arabic website on Thursday – said Foley likely fabricated the video, said alarabiya.net
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Zionism is Jews worst enemy
Monday, August 11, 2014
American held without bail after tweets in support of Islamic State
I believe U.S judges are very lay in practical wisdom and in deep understanding of human behaviors and ways of the society. They are clinically technical. People don't mean what they say most of the time. Some of their rantings may be like farts. Unless the person shows prolong persistence, makes some preparation or take first step towards the crime he should be kept under watch and not be booked. At time we get moved and say lot of bad things out of momentary out burst.Sunday, August 10, 2014
Iraq crisis: 'It is death valley. Up to 70 per cent of them are dead'
Live From Occupied Palestine: Israeli propaganda, social media and mainstream re...
War News Updates: A Look At The U.S. Military Forces That Have Been ...
War News Updates: U.S. Air Strikes In Iraq Are Continuing As Well As...
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Excerpt from Victor Ostrovsky's, "By way of deception" NOTE: Needless to say, the Israeli Lobby has demanded (and gotten) a total ban on this book in all major bookstore chains, while pro-Israeli experts have trashed it at every opportunity.Ostrovsky's book is available only online at places like Amazon Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task. Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was no one out there to protect us but ourselves - a feeling reinforced by the Holocaust survivors who lived among us. We, the new generation of Israelites, the resurrected nation on its own land after more than two thousand years of exile, were entrusted with the fate of the nation as a whole. The commanders of our army were called champions, not generals. Our leaders were captains at the helm of a great ship. I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad. But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story. It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare. The Mossad, being the intelligence body entrusted with the responsibility of plotting the course for the leaders at the helm of the nation, has betrayed that trust. Plotting on its own behalf, and for petty, self-serving reasons, it has set the nation on a collision course with all-out war. One of the main themes of this book is Victor's belief that Mossad is out of control, that even the prime minister, although ostensibly in charge, has no real authority over its actions ... Read MoreNigerians now calling on authorities to talk to the Boko Haram militants.
Till the birth of Israel & Zionism Jews were patronised by most of Muslim rulers.
Just ask Khalid Siddiqi of the Islamic Education and Information Center in San Jose, California where he also teaches Islamic Studies and Arabic at Chabot College and Ohlone College. Siddiqi notes that the first quote above is from S. D. Goitein's book Jews and Arabs. The second is from Merlin Swartz's 'The Position of Jews in Arab lands following the rise of Islam' (reprinted from The Muslim World. Hartford Seminary Foundation LXI1970).
Swartz also says the Muslim Arab conquest marked the dawn of a new era. Those forces that had led to the progressive isolation and disruption of Jewish life were not only checked they were dramatically reversed.
In an interview with Sound Vision, Siddiqi gave numerous examples of Jews flourishing under Muslim rule in places like Spain, Morocco, North African in general and various parts of the Middle East.
Siddiqi points out that Islam as a religion has given specific guidelines for the followers of Islam to base their relationship with any non-Muslim. These include People of Scripture, like the Jews, people who belong to other religions, and even atheists. Non-Muslims must be treated on the basis of Birr (kindness) and Qist (justice), as referred to Surah 60 verse 8 of the Quran.
It started at the time of the Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) The peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Jews began at the time of the Prophet.
Siddiqi notes that the Jews welcomed the Prophet when he arrived in Madinah at the time of Hijrah (migration), along with the rest of the city's inhabitants. But the Prophet had begun the step towards good relations with Jewish and other communities in Madinah even before getting there. After receiving an invitation to Madinah from one of the city's tribes that had accepted Islam, the Prophet signed treaties with the city's Jewish, Christian and polytheist tribes before he arrived there.
These treaties clearly laid out responsibilities of each of the parties. It was based on these that the Prophet established the Mithaq al Madinah, the constitution of Madinah. Read More
Friday, August 8, 2014
The Jewish Inquisition: An Eyewitness Account
Thursday, August 7, 2014
CIA and Mossad alliance. Metsada: International killing unit of Mossad
Is Palestine now Germany for Israel? Historical quotes of Jewish leaders.
The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler's people. -Daily Express, March 24, 1933
"All Jews world wide -- declared war on the Third Reich."(The London Daily Express, Front Page Story, 3/24/1933).
"Judea declares War on Germany."(Daily Express, March 24, 1934)
"The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end."(The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939)
"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child."(Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)
"Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German -- wipe them out!"(Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111).
"Step by step, I have arrived at the conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister and fatal. At the Nuremberg Trials, I, together with my Russian colleague, condemned Nazi Aggression and Terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German People did not want war. But we, {England}, declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of Balance of Power, and we were encouraged by the 'Americans'{Jews} around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the co-operation of Germany: instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Empire. I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentless pursued now, only under a different label."(Ashamed and Humiliated The British Attorney General, Sir Hartle Shawcross, said in a speech at Stourbridge, March 16/84 (AP))
"Our fight against Germany must be carried to the limit of what is possible. Israel has been attacked. Let us, therefore, defend Israel! Against the awakened Germany, we put an awakened Israel. And the world will defend us."(Jewish author Pierre Creange in his book
Epitres aux Juifs, 1938) Read MoreIs Palestine now Germany for Israel? Historical quotes of Jewish leaders.
The shadow of anti-Jewish sentiments falls on Europe
The shadow of anti-Jewish sentiments falls on Europe
Hungarian mayor leads protests against Israel
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The Nakba anniversary: Land, myths and the Zionist 'miracle'
Jerusalem Post: Netanyahu: Hamas uses civilian deaths as PR fodder
He showed videos displaying Hamas's use of human shields and firing of rockets from populated areas.
"Hamas uses civilian deaths as PR fodder," the prime minister said. "Can we accept a situation where terrorists are exonerated, and victims accused."
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UN chief: Gaza deaths and destruction shame world
“We will build again, but this must be the last time to rebuild,” the UN chief told the General Assembly Wednesday. “This must stop now. We must go back to the negotiating table.”
Ban said the UN understands Israel’s right to defend itself from Hamas rockets but “the horror that was unleashed on the people of Gaza” raises serious questions about respect for international law that requires a distinction between civilians and combatants and proportionality.
UN human rights chief Navi Pillay told the assembly that “any attacks in violation of these principles .... may amount to war crimes.”
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Israel's nine years of failure in Gaza
Nine years of failure in Gaza
Gaza op spurs Italian call for 'Nuremberg for Israel' trial
Monday, August 4, 2014
Mass shootings kill far more than Muslim American terrorism – research
Mass shootings kill far more than Muslim American terrorism – research
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Free News Exchange: Live From Occupied Palestine: 13 year old Palestin...
'Islam is reviving British values', says former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams
Live From Occupied Palestine: 13 year old Palestinian girl, Ah'd Tamimi, wins Ha...
Photos: Live From Occupied Palestine: Rain, Hail or Shine, Melbourne Stands with Palesti...
Live From Occupied Palestine: Euro-Mid: Israeli assault seeks to destroy the fou...
War News Updates: Fighting And Tensions Between Armenia And Azerbaij...
Gaza: How neutral is U.N? Washington Post
Friday, August 1, 2014
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Israel's secret services: Mossad's website hacked.
Hacker group Anonymous has reportedly taken down the website of the Israeli secret service Mossad in protest of Israel’s military incursion in Gaza. The ‘hacktivists’ have already targeted a number of organizations in their mission to stop the “genocide.”
Mossad’s website went offline at around 00:40 GMT and is still down at the time of writing. The Israeli government has yet to make any comment on the supposed hack attack.
Iraqi Shiite militia executes, hangs 15 by electricity poles
BAGHDAD: Shiite militia forces executed 15 Sunnis and then hung them by electricity poles in a public square in a town northeast of Baghdad on Wednesday, police said.
A police officer at the scene in Baquba, a mixed Sunni and Shiite town 65 km from Baghdad, said he believed the action was designed to keep Sunnis from supporting the Islamic State.
The victims, who were kidnapped over the last week, were shot in their heads and chests and then hung up by cables.
“The militia forces are preventing the medical crew from bringing down the bodies hanging from the electricity poles,” he told Reuters.
“They are following a new tactic of keeping bodies hanging for a longer time to deter the Sunni population from backing the Islamic State. We asked them to let us evacuate the bodies but they refused.”
The US-funded and trained Iraqi Army unraveled in the face of the Islamic State’s sweep through the north and sectarian violence has increased since then.
Critics say Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki’s authoritarian and sectarian rule have alienated Sunnis, prompting some to find common cause with the group, which has blown up Shiite shrines and mosques
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Eradicate hatred to gain spiritual success, scholar urges Muslims
During the event, Muhammad Al-Duhaim, a Shoura Council member, alluded to the fact that mankind is heading for a new realm of existence and an age of wisdom thanks to awareness and findings in different fields of research.
“Muslims should always keep in check negative feelings and engage in charity toward one another,” he said.
The programme was organized by King Saud University Medical City (KSU-MC).
Muhammad Fouda, director of the King Fahad Cardiac Center at KSU-MC, gave the opening speech, in which he reiterated the value of the educational evening for its significant benefits on positive thinking.
Fahad Al-Zamil, dean of the college of medicine and supervisor of university hospitals, emphasized the importance of meditation, saying prophets often engaged in meditative practice.
Abdulmohsen Al-Ashry, CEO of KSU-MC, said the establishment is determined to play a significant role in health and social development within the community.
KSU-MC has adopted several humanitarian events, volunteer and awareness campaigns, in addition to educational and cultural evenings to play a proactive role in advancing social initiatives.Eradicate hatred to gain spiritual success, scholar urges Muslims
Chief Mufti of Russia Outraged by Lies about Ukraine M
UFA, July 28. /ITAR-TASS/. The Central Spiritual Board of Muslims of Russia is outraged by shameless lies and double standards of politicians about the developments in Ukraine, the head of the board, the country's Supreme Mufti Talgat Tadzhuddin said in a sermon on Monday in connection with the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. "We feel pain and sufferings of those who are in need and trouble," he said. "Sufferings, pain and losses of dear ones, violence and cruel murders of civilians in the southeast of Ukraine and on the holy land of Palestine fill with pain and anger hearts of millions of Russians, all the true believers of the one Lord of people worldwide."
Mufti said the tragedy of the Malaysian airliner in Ukraine shocked not only relatives and friends of the victims, but also all Russian citizens. "At the same time, we are deeply outraged by the shameless lie and double standards of those who try to use any grounds to set nations and states against each other, those who speak about fight against terrorism, but makes it (terrorism) a state policy," he said, adding Russians could not indifferently watch the outrage and attempts to dictate.
The Central Spiritual Board of Muslims supports the Russian president's steps to ensure the state's independence and unity, reliable protection of its territory and timely neutralization of internal and external threats. "First of all, these are strengthening of inter-religious peace and accord, brining up of the youth in the spirit of patriotism and responsibility for the motherland's fate and effective contribution to the prevention of extremism and radicalism," the mufti said. Muslims of Russia also express their solidarity with much-suffering people of Palestine and support Russian efforts to stop the Israeli military aggression, resume peace talks and establish peace on the holy land, the Russian Muslim leader added.
Thousands of Muslims gathered in the Russian capital's mosques on Monday morning for praying, marking the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. The Head of Russia's Council of Muftis, Ravil Gainutdin, participated in the early praying in the city's main mosque. He congratulated the faithful with one of Muslims' main holidays.
The press service of the Council of Muftis said congratulations were received from Russian regions, CIS countries, the Islamic world, ministries and departments and international religious and public organizations.
More than 230,000 Muslims were expected to come to mosques in the Russian capital later on Monday. Moscow authorities prepared additional grounds for mass events. People will gather for prayers in six mosques and on special grounds in park and near cultural centers.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated Russian Muslims on Eid al-Fitr, the Kremlin press service said. One of Muslims' main and most important holidays that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, turns the faithful to Islam spiritual and moral sources. From ancient times, it is marked with good deeds and care for the needy. Russia's Muslim community actively participates in the country's life, makes a great contribution to inter-religious dialogue, fruitfully cooperates with state and public organizations in the causes of charity, education and bringing up of young generations and contributes to saving of the country's rich cultural and spiritual heritage, the president said in the congratulation.
Muslims of Ukraine are threatened by the current ethnic violence
Mr Amazayev is a senior member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Islamic political organisation which is legal in Ukraine. However, among the first pronouncements made by the new separatist Prime Minister of Crimea and the security chief he has appointed is that it is a “ dangerous terrorist organisation” which will have to be dealt with. Hizb ut-Tahrir has been blamed in many countries for promoting radicalism; but violent militancy caused by it is hard to find in Ukraine. And the fear of becoming sectarian targets is not just confined to activists among the Tatars: many in the community are staying away from city centres where Russian-speaking vigilantes hold sway, and some are leaving for other parts of the country. In pictures: The crisis in Ukraine
Mr Amazayev says he is confident that the Tatars of Crimea will not let him and others from his group be picked off by the new head of security, Petr Zima, who was promoted from his previous post in Sevastopol, the home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. “Zima built up a reputation in Sevastopol for carrying out raids, accusing people of being involved in extremism. But, if he starts doing that now, he will make a big mistake. The people in the [Tatar] establishment, the Mufti and the Mejlis [representative council] criticised us in the past, but now we are all facing the common enemy. And, if they do start persecuting us, we know how to survive, we have done it in Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia.” Nevertheless, Mr Amazayev has started to be very cautious, not straying outside his home town, Bakhchisarai, a historic place of mosques where Muslims form a sizeable portion of the population. “I don’t think it will be safe for me to travel, not at this time,” he said. The larger Tatar community is in friction with the Russian nationalist population over the issue of secession from Ukraine.
The new Crimean administration of Sergei Aksenov is organising a referendum on the issue, clearing the way to rule by Moscow – anathema to the Tatars who were deported from here, en masse, to Siberia and the central Asian steppes by Stalin at the end of the Second World War.
Today the head of the Russian republic of Tatarstan arrived in Crimea. Many, however, view Rustam Minnikhanov as an emissary of the Kremlin sent to persuade the Mejlis to change its policy of refusing to recognise the new separatist Crimean administration. “ He is not someone we see as our protector,” said one of its officials. The sense of being under threat has led to the formation of self-defence groups in Tatar neighbourhoods: the growing prevalence of fear in a people who have lived, on the whole, amicably with those of Russian and Ukrainian extraction since they returned from exile in the 1990s.
The current tensions emerged quickly. A demonstration against secession drew 10,000 from Ukraine’s largest Muslim community to the streets of the Crimean capital, Simferopol, last week. There were chants of “Allah hu Akhbar” from a small band of Tatars which some among an opposing protest by Russian speakers complained they found intimidating.
There were no serious acts of violence by either side or the police; but two people were reported to have died in the crush as the crowd converged outside the state parliament. Read more: Urgent talks, angry words, but still no coherent plan to end Crimea’s stand-off Pentagon sends jets to patrol the Baltics.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Indian Strategic Studies: Proclamation of Caliphate by ISIS: Challenges for India
Charles Lister, Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Doha Centre, considers the announcement of the restoration of the caliphate as the most significant development in international jihadism since 9/11. The rise of ISIS and the proclamation has raised serious concerns not only in the Middle East but also around the globe.
How do these events affect India? Do we need to be concerned? In this blog post I try to address these questions.
Nostalgia of caliphate and international jihad
The idea of caliphate evokes a deep nostalgia for Islam’s glory and power in the minds of Muslims around the world, Indian Muslims being no exception. This coupled with the present state of the Muslim Ummah characterised by political instability, economic and technological backwardness and perceived domination of Muslim regimes by the west, fuel a desire to ‘revert’ to the ‘golden’ age of the caliphate amongst many Muslims. Many Salafist theoreticians, prominent amongst them being Maulana Maududi and Syed Qutb in their writings have proclaimed the establishment of the caliphate as divinely ordained. They also lay down the ‘divine’ plan for the establishment of the caliphate. These Salafists divide history into two parts, the period of ‘jahiliyyah’ (ignorance) and the period of ‘Islam’. The present world is the world of ‘jahiliyyah’ which will be followed by the world of Islam. To achieve the world of Islam, ‘jihad’ has to be carried out in three stages, the first being the strengthening of one’s faith (adherence to Salafist Islam), the second ‘hijrat’ (moving from ‘infidel’ communities to ‘faithful’ communities) and third ‘jihad’. It is not surprising then that the ISIS has been using social media and YouTube as propaganda tools that show Muslims from around the world congregating in the areas controlled by it, burning their passports (hijrat), pledging allegiance to the caliphate (IS), and eulogizing jihad. The video posted shows these jihadis from foreign countries threatening their country of origin with jihad once they return.
Hamas editor rakes up "Blood Libel" bogey
Israels public relation skills
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Israeli Mood Turns Dark With Mounting Casualties
IS jihadis kill at least 50 Assad troops in ambush: monitor
The assault in Raqa province, the IS jihadists’ Euphrates valley stronghold, came amid their fiercest assault yet on Damascus-held territory.
The deaths added to 74 already killed in the offensive across the north and northeast, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
“At least 50 soldiers were ambushed, some of them were killed in fighting but most of them were beheaded,” director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.
IS militants claimed the toll was as high as 75.
“Allah be praised, 75 soldiers of the 17th division were captured at Abu Shared and they were beheaded,” one sympathizer tweeted.
Media close to the regime remained silent on the deaths.
The 17th division is one of three still holding positions in the IS-occupied region and operates out of a vast military base.
On Friday, the army repositioned the 17th division, the Observatory said, without giving further details.
It is the first stand-off of this magnitude between IS and Syrian government forces, with the jihadists intent on “cleansing” the territories it controls of the regime presence, the Observatory said.
The IS, which proclaimed a “caliphate” in an area spanning the Syrian and Iraqi borders in June, controls swathes of land in both countries and is seeking to extend its power and influence.
The fighting between IS and Syrian government forces, which erupted on Thursday, has left 69 dead on the regime side, including the 50 soldiers, and killed 28 jihadist fighters, the Observatory said.
The powerful jihadist group launched multiple attacks on government-held territory across northern and northeastern Syria on Thursday.
The jihadists went on the offensive near the main northern city of Aleppo, in Hasakeh province in the northeast and in Raqa province around their Euphrates valley stronghold, the Observatory had said.
Elsewhere, in Idleb in the northeast of the strife-torn country, a religious court linked to a Syrian rebel body sentenced two men to death for allegedly bombing the two main border crossings with Turkey, as well as a mosque in the town of Binnish.
The men were accused of carrying out attacks on the Bab Al-Hawa and Bab Al-Salam crossings between Syria and Turkey.
The “court” was run by the Islamic Front, one of the Syrian rebel groupings that is battling both the IS and the government, and it said the men had “admitted acting on behalf of the regime.”
A video published by the Observatory showed the two men being shot dead in front of a crowd.
The head of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria, meanwhile, said IS fighters are expected to be added to a list being drawn up of possible war criminals.
“They are good candidates for the list,” said Paulo Pinheiro, who briefed the UN Security Council on the results of the inquiry on Friday.
“I can assure you that we are collecting information on perpetrators from all sides including non-state armed groups and ISIS,” he told reporters.
“I am not in a position to say who is winning the World Cup of human rights violations. Both sides are doing horrific things and they will continue if there is no accountability.”
Set up in September 2011, the Commission of Inquiry has collected witness accounts, satellite photographs and other documents to build up its caseload of human rights violations, although none of the members have traveled to Syria.
The war crimes list being drawn up remains confidential but Pinheiro said it included intelligence chiefs, heads of detention centers that have torture chambers.
Indian educationist calls for more efforts to uplift communities
If you only knew about the mindset, character, questionable activities and black deeds of this masquaderor, hypocrite, thug of a so called Muslim educationist, a white collar beggar.
It is important to investigate the motivation of Arab News correspontent Nasir Jawed and his links with this regional fascist international beggar who has been masquadering as an Islamist since 1978 to qualify to receive islamic charity from the Saudi charitable institutions and moronic sheikhs.
This international greed and miserly beggar has launched a number of psuedo welfare trusts and societies and no wonder that he maintains covert links with underworld and unscurplous regional fascist politicians and associations with the dual purpose of securing himself and satisfying his uncontrollable fascist drives.
On arrogance and war - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
Even the dramatic turn of events in the Middle East seemed to work in Israel's favour, as its nemeses grew ever more preoccupied, if not paralysed by their internal problems.
As for Hamas, it was on a downturn and growing increasingly unpopular. It was financially bankrupt and unable to pay salaries to its own rather big bureaucracy running the Gaza Strip. It was under siege, and under pressure to do something, anything to ease life in the sprawling Gaza prison camp.
The election of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as president of Egypt after a military coup, tightened the noose around Hamas and Gaza. The general, having risen to power by ousting the Muslim Brotherhood, loathed the Islamist Hamas no less....
Israel facing new divestment support in US - Features - Al Jazeera English
Much of its growth has been in Europe, but the BDS movement is also gaining momentumin mainstream USA.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) voted in....
Rebel Youth Magazine: Is the U.S. Backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
Friday, July 25, 2014
Ambient Palestine: Nekoliko citata o Palestini/Izraelu
Live From Occupied Palestine: Up to 20,000 Palestinians protest in the Occupied ...
Peace in Israel/Palestine: Neutral – in whose favor?
Peace in Israel/Palestine: I Traveled to Palestine-Israel And Discovered Ther...
Peace in Israel/Palestine: Why Israelis are content to live in a bubble of de...
War News Updates: Israel - Hamas War News Updates -- July 25, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Andy Lehrer's Firebrand blog: "As long as they kill Muslims, I don't care"
Andy Lehrer's Firebrand blog: At long last, Farber forced to denounce JDL
Andy Lehrer's Firebrand blog: JDL allies with Austrian Freedom Party
Pakistan prepares to give India "Most Favored Nation" status
Gazans seek shelter among Christians - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
In one church, more than a thousand people from neighbouring communities are seeking shelter from Israel's bombardment.
Crime increases by 109% in Saudi Arabia
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Partners for Progressive Israel Blog: Lessons We Can Learn for the Day After
The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: international law and HRW

Tuesday, July 22, 2014
War News Updates: A Deadly Day In Gaza. Scores Of Israeli Soldiers K...
Ron Prosor, Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, denied the report.
"There's no kidnapped Israeli soldier, and those rumors are untrue," he said.
According to Abu Obeida, a spokesman for Hamas' military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, the soldier was taken during an early morning operation.
He provided the supposed soldier's name and ID.
Israel's ground offensive in GazaIsrael denies claims of captured soldierCitizens run for their lives in GazaDirector: Gazans 'don't feel safe'Netanyahu: Hamas targets civiliansIsrael denies claims of captured soldier
"He is a prisoner, and if Zionists lie about the dead and wounded, then the fate of this soldier is their responsibility," the spokesman said.
Gunfire and cheers erupted in Gaza in apparent celebration of the soldier's capture, according to CNN reporters on the ground.
"It's a game changer, immediately, because it's going to change what the Israelis are doing on the ground in that sector. They're going to be looking for him," said CNN military analyst Lt. Col. Rick Francona.
"Overall, the Israeli strategy is not going to change. They're committed to this mission," he said. Though, in the future, Francona said, the Israelis are "going to have to make some sort of accommodation to get this guy back."
In 2006, Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was captured. He was released some five years later in exchange for more than a thousand Palestinian prisoners.
Gaza battle's deadliest day for both sides
Eighty-seven Palestinians died, at least 60 of them in Israel's assault on the town of Shaja'ia, the Gaza Health Ministry said.
The IDF said 13 soldiers were killed. At a news conference, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed the country's "deep pain" at the loss of the soldiers.
Among those killed was Max Steinberg, a California native, according to the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. Steinberg attended Pierce College and served as a sniper.
Sean Carmeli, an IDF soldier from South Padre Island, Texas, was also killed, according to Rachel Simony of the Congregation Shoova Israel in South Padre Island.
In total, 476 Palestinians have been killed since the start of Israel's military operations against Hamas on July 8, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. It's unknown how many were militants. The United Nations has estimated that 70% were civilians.
The Health Ministry said 3,130 people have been wounded.
Since beginning ground operations Thursday, Israel said, it has killed at least 70 terrorists and captured others.
"We're doing everything we can not to harm the people of Gaza," Netanyahu added. "Hamas is doing everything they can to make sure the people of Gaza suffer."
But people in Gaza who spoke with CNN painted a different picture. "What is happening is a massacre," said a resident of the al-Remal neighborhood.
Hamas claimed responsibility for the deaths of the Israeli soldiers, saying it had lured tanks into a field in which it had hidden improvised explosive devices. The attack "destroyed the force completely," Hamas said, calling it a "heroic operation."
In total, 18 Israeli soldiers have been killed, in addition to two civilians. Israel has used its Iron Dome defense system to block many missiles, fired by militants in Gaza, from hitting population centers.